Community Engagement

All our schools in LiFE MAT commit to reach out and actively engage with our local communities. We lead on campaigns for social action and positive change by training our student leaders to become an agency for and of the communities we serve. LiFE MAT schools create safe spaces, where all aspects of social injustice can be discussed, addressed and challenged.

Refugee Welcome School
We couldn’t believe our eyes and ears when the war started in Ukraine. Nobody was left unaffected, especially the students whom we teach in our primary and secondary schools. They were asking us questions about the reasons for his war and more importantly the repercussions of the brutal attack on the nationals of Ukraine.

The scale of the crisis became enormous in a matter of hours and therefore we, at LiFE MAT decided to make a difference: however small it might be but a positive difference in the lives of our Ukrainian friends. We joined hands with our Citizens Leicester and Leicestershire alliance and pledged to resettle atleast 50 refugee families as possible through our networks.

Following on from this decision, the student ambassadors in all the schools of LiFE MAT alongside the community engagement leaders started listening to their communities to find out the perception and apprehension of the people as well as the support network available. Hundreds of student leaders across the eight MAT schools dedicated their time and energy into putting a detailed Welcome Plan together. They supported other local schools in the development of their plans as well as designed assemblies and activities to make Refugee Week on 20th June 2022.

It was an extremely proud moment for our MAT when all our schools got accredited with the ‘Refugee Welcome School’ status with Citizens Uk and NASUWT. We are in the process of organising a second information event for our Ukrainian guests following on from a very successful coffee evening which brought our communities together in an extraordinary way!

Are you thinking about helping? Join in with these 8 Simple Acts