Bugsy Malone Performance Huge Success

Well done to all of our talented students who took part in the much anticipated performance of Bugsy Malone which took place on Thursday, 22nd June. Our students worked very hard alongside staff, having to remember complicated lines and learning a variety of songs. We also had some excellent musical performances from Oliver Lewis, Chris Salmon, Shalom Mizha and Molli Ledger who provided backing and incidental music. We held a full dress rehearsal during the afternoon where our performers from Fat Sam’s and Dandy Dan’s Gang tried out their ‘splurge’ guns for the first time, causing much hilarity amongst the cast.

The evening performance was enjoyed by friends and family and we are all incredibly proud of the performers, many of whom were Year 7 students, new to Winstanley this year, which shows an incredible amount of confidence. We should also say a big thank you to Mrs Olner, Head of Music and Miss Curzon, Teaching Assistant who have worked tirelessly to ensure the performance was a success.