The UK General Data Protection (UK GDPR)

LiFE Multi-Academy Trust, its schools and staff, take their UK GDPR responsibilities seriously and it is a main priority at each of our schools to ensure integrity when managing data. Please find below the relevant policies, guidance and processes which will inform you on how your data, and that of all our students and staff, is securely kept within our schools.

The appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the Trust and it’s schools is:

Mr John Walker
6 Delamore Park
PL12 9QP

Telephone: 0300 303 4360
Email: [email protected]

For any queries or questions relating to UK GDPR, please contact the individual school in the first instance using the contact details below:

Name of School GDPR Contact Contact Details
Ashby School Mr J Dunn [email protected]
01530 413748
Bosworth Academy Mr A Dolinski [email protected]
01455 822841
Braunstone Frith Primary Academy Mrs D George [email protected]
0116 2872487
Countesthorpe Academy Mr T Gartside [email protected]
0116 2771555
Desford Primary School Mr C Wilson [email protected]
01455 822379
Dove Bank Primary School Miss J Hooper [email protected]
01530 262371
Ibstock School Mrs L Weston [email protected]
01530 260705
Ivanhoe School Ms M Konig [email protected]
01530 412756
Kingsway Primary School Mrs A Pearce [email protected]
0116 2898525
The Winstanley School Ms N Collins [email protected]
0116 2898688
LiFE MAT Central Team Mrs C Headley [email protected]
01455 822841

Policies and Privacy Notices
Use the links below to view copies of the relevant documents for the LiFE Multi-Academy Trust:

ICO: Information Commissioner’s Office [link] Freedom of Information Act 2000 [link]

Further Information:

If you have a question, please contact our team by email via [email protected] or call 01455 822841.